Crossing over

May 17, 2010 at 11:40 am (communicators) (, , , , )

This is an issue brought to my attention by Althea from Worldly Bites. As a member of Victoria’s Social Media Club, she noted that some of the members represent themselves differently online than they do in person; or, worse yet, never appear in person at all. Living their life behind the glow of the monitor, they are quick to add a comment or give advice to others but no one has met them. Are they communication angels? Floating in when needed to add insight and expertise? Or are they recluses, typing in their underwear while snacking on a bag of chips? Without emerging into the real world, no one will ever know.

Don't be a Social Media Ghost

Get out there and meet those who you are connecting with through social media. Go to events, hand out business cards, make yourself known. Don’t just be an eerie presence on the web. Cross over to the real world, we welcome you.

BUT, remember to portray yourself accurately, otherwise your real world debut will not be so successful.

You’ve been communicating with a potential client over Twitter, and the time has come to meet up to discuss business details. So far, you’ve determined that his company needs a social media presence, and he wants you to lead the project. You may have exaggerated your past experience just a little in order to get the job. Now, you have to deliver on those promises. What do you do?

Everyone lies on their resume, right? Wrong. Represent yourself accurately, whether it is in person or online. It is a proven fact that people have less inhibitions over the internet and although it may be tempting to elaborate on your skills over Twitter, you will have to prove your abilities when called upon. A true professional is confident in their abilities, but does not misrepresent themselves. You will lose the respect of prospective clients and employers faster by lying than by admitting that a skill needs to be further developed. Honesty is the best practice, in person and online.

1 Comment

  1. landoncreasy said,

    Hey Carla,
    Great post! Integrity in all things…


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